Free ASDA delivery code when you shop online

Here is another great voucher code if you want free delivery on your very first ASDA online grocery shop. The code guarantees free delivery for new ASDA online customers who spend £40 or more on their grocery shop.

Free Delivery when your spend £40 on your first shop
Code: AF-TT-EV-W3
Expiry: 26th January 2011 << be quick
Visit and use the above code when checking out online
Please read the Terms & Conditions: Free delivery on one grocery order of over £40, checked-out before 10pm on 26th Jan 2011. If order is amended after this date the discount will not be applied. Only 1 use per customer, customers registered after 18th Jan 2011.
ASDA Price Guarantee:
There’s never been a better time to register online at ASDA Grocery. ASDA is the UK’s lowest priced supermarket for the 13th year running and run the ASDA Price Guarantee. ASDA will guarantee that your comparable shopping is 10% cheaper at ASDA or they’ll refund you the difference.
Remember we never hide voucher codes!
See our ASDA voucher codes page for other great vouchers and codes.