Save £10 with Diet Chef offer code on all hampers

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Voucher Details

Diet Chef meal, chilli con carneTake advantage of this fantastic Diet Chef discount and start the fast track to loosing weight the delicious way. All new Diet Chef customers can now save £10 off meal hampers which offer a choice of tasty breakfast, lunch and dinner options.

Diet Chef is one of the UK’s popular wight loss services which delivers pre-prepared meals direct to your front door.

The Diet Chef Food

Diet Chef is famous for their delicious meals, there are over 20 dinner options ranging from the traditional Sausage and Massage to the exotic Paella or Curry. You will find all your favourites their. Perfect for anyone who wants to easily control their portions while also cutting meal preparation and cooking time.

The Diet Chef Discount

Make sure you use the unique code above and save a whopping £10 off your first order that works out at 2 days of free food. Simply copy and paste the code above and use it when at the final stage of the order process on the Diet Chef website.

Happy eating!


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